What is Hospice?
Hospice is a program of health care and services designated to meet the special needs of patients and their loved ones, when the patient is diagnosed with a disease for which they do not elect aggressive treatment.
Can Hospice Make a Difference?
Hospice care can dramatically and positively impact quality of life. The goal is to empower the individual, by providing knowledge and information to facilitate decision-making. Our clinical staff are experts on pain control, and symptom management. They are committed to educate patients and caregivers.
Who Provides Care?
Care is delivered by a team of professionals who address the patient’s needs on medical, physical, emotional and spiritual levels. The team consists of the patient’s attending physician, hospice medical director, registered nurses, LVNs, home health aides, social worker, chaplain and trained volunteers.
How is Hospice Care Started?
Help is only a phone call away. The attending physician, patient, family member, friends, clergy, social workers, hospital discharge planner or any other person concerned with a patient’s well-being, can make a referral. If you call us, we will contact the patient’s physician for approval. Services will be started immediately.
Who is Eligible for Hospice Care?
Recipient of Services Include:
Live within our geographic boundaries
Have a life-threatening illness and seek medical, spiritual, psychological and personal support
Have a Primary Care Physician
Medications and Medical Equipment
Basic medical equipment, supplies and medications related to the hospice diagnosis are provided.
Referrals Accepted From:
Hospital Personnel
Family and Friends
Who Pays for Hospice?
Medicare and Medicaid
What is the Admission Process?
Admitting a patient to the hospice program is a simple process for the attending physician, discharge planner, and/or social worker. Just call Solis Hospice,Inc. and a registered nurse will visit and assess the patient and family at home. Information about the program will be presented and if the patient elects the program, the nurse will arrange the start of services.